I'm just curious... do you read food blogs when you're actually getting ready to cook right then? I do. I love food blogs, food tv shows, and occasionally I'll read some cooking magazines. I love to collect recipes and get ideas for new ways to make things. Last night, though, my DH was looking over my shoulder when I was online, and he said that he can't stand to look at photos & recipes when he's not hungry- it turns his stomach. (Now, granted, he doesn't cook, but still, the photo I was looking at was a dish he would enjoy eating.) So, it made me wonder, am I the only one? Does this mean that I'm food-obsessed? Inquiring minds wanna know...
I think it has a lot to do with the man vs. woman thing. I too love to read food anything. I've been known to read, yes actually read cookbooks cover to cover. As a woman who loves to cook, has always been on a tight budget (I've always meal planned to save $) and someone who really wants the table to look appetizing when my family sits down to eat, I spend a lot of time 'preparing' which includes looking at those pictures of food. I think men only think of food in the sense of instant gratification. I know when I've asked hubby what he wants for a specific meal, it takes a lot of brain power to even conjure up the ordinary if he's not hungry. As a woman I (as I'm sure you and many others do) look at these recipes and pictures and begin to plan how mine will look at least that good or better! So, after all this, am I also food obsessed or is it just part of our nature as homemakers to dream.
I read food blogs all the time. I think I have close to 200 on my blog reader. I also watch Food Network atleast an hour a day and read food magazines whenever I can get my hands on them!
I think you're perfectly normal. :D
I love reading food blogs, cooking magazines, etc. My Hubby thinks it weird, but when I get a new cookbook I'll sit down and read it cover to cover.
I, too, love to read food blogs. I've been obsessed with recipes for almost 10 years. I have boxes full of 4x6 cards with recipes I hope to try one day. It's rare that we have the same meal twice in 6 months.
My husband is a little different from most, for Christmas he bought me a subscription to Paula Deen's magazine.
I have recenlty became so addicted to food blogs. I can't tear myself away from my computer! I have been addicted to receipe and cookbook collections for quite a few years now. Give me a cookbook and you won't hear from me for several hours. My family often asks me why I love recipes so much but they sure don't question it when I cook! LOL
I also read food blogs and regularly check out recipe sites. I'm also starting to get quite the cookbook collection going. Recently, my cooking experiences and expertise has really been growing. I spent quite a bit of the cash I received for Christmas for kitchen supplies such as a good grill pan, a good chef's knife, etc. Now if I can just get a bigger kitchen when we move!
It's definitely not just you -- I am addicted as well! The first time I saw your blog, the title made me laugh, b/c that is my problem too!
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